Let’s talk about poor school performance. What do we think when our child gets low grades and does not learn the school curriculum properly?
Hearing is an irreplaceable human ability to perceive external sounds. Thanks to it, we can navigate in the environment and maintain communication with other people. Healthy hearing is very important for children, especially in the early years of their life. Why?
The absence of health problems is the most important factor for the full and happy development of a child. Therefore, already at birth, doctors conduct various tests to check the vital functions of the newborn, including the state of hearing.
In this article we will try to explain all hearing problems in toddlers, signs, symptoms, how to identify and how can you help with it.
Does your child like prefer the television louder than the rest of the family? Do you often hear your child’s music even when he is wearing headphones? Is your child listening to hours of loud music for multiple hours a day?
According to research, 40 percent of hearing loss is caused by genetic factors. The remaining 60 percent of factors are preventable according to the World Health Organization.