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hearing loss post covid-19

What is the link between hearing loss, tinnitus and COVID-19?


The Covid-19 epidemic has affected millions of people around the world. The coronavirus has brought great hardships, economic lockdowns, and health problems even to cured people. The epidemic is officially over. However, scientists continue to research SARS-CoV-2 and its consequences.

Everyone knows that COVID-19 primarily affects the respiratory tract and lungs of a person. The most common post-COVID symptoms are loss of smell, sense of smell, and a temporary decrease in mental alertness. However, the coronavirus can affect other systems of the human body. There have been numerous reports that people have complained of hearing problems both during illness and after recovery. Let’s find out if this is true. What do scientific studies say about the problem?

Is there a link between hearing loss and COVID-19?

Many Americans, especially older ones, complain of hearing problems after a viral infection. Before considering the link between Covid and hearing loss, it is worth noting a few important facts.

The first is the age of the patient. Most people who complain of hearing problems are middle-aged and older. And as we know, with age, hearing deteriorates for natural reasons. Secondly, many viral infections such as influenza, measles, and herpes can lead to complications. They cause hearing problems, dizziness, loss of orientation in space, etc.

Let’s move on to hearing loss after COVID-19 infection. For the first time, British doctors spoke about it. They documented a significant case. The Briton, after resuscitation and suffering from Covid-19, complained of a sharp deterioration in hearing, although he had no problems with hearing before. Further statistics showed that similar cases are occurring all over the world and their number is growing rapidly. This prompted scientists to conduct clinical studies to understand the situation.

covid19 testing

What do scientists tell us? The results of the study showed that SARS-CoV-2 can penetrate and infect hair cells inside the cochlea. It can happen even three to four weeks after the onset of the disease. Hair cells respond to external sounds by converting them into an electrical signal. It travels along the auditory nerve to the brain. Their destruction leads to sensorineural hearing loss. Unfortunately, hair cells do not regenerate over time. This explains why many patients complain of hearing loss post COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 infects hair cells, which cease to function even after the patient has recovered. The cause of the development of neurosensory hearing loss during COVID-19 may be drugs. They are widely used to treat a viral infection. Negative effects on the inner ear are among the side effects of these drugs.

Hearing is a vital part of everything we do, and its absence can lead to a variety of health issues. They are anxiety, fatigue, cardiovascular issues as well as cognitive decline. The earlier hearing loss is addressed the more likely the above-mentioned ailments can be avoided.

But that’s not all. COVID-19 is a neurotropic virus. It hits the nervous system, including the auditory nerve. What can this lead to? People are increasingly complaining about tinnitus! For example, the British Tinnitus Association reports a 16% increase in hotline calls and a 50% increase in online inquiries about tinnitus.

Studies show that from 4.5 to 14.8% of patients who have undergone COVID-19 report the appearance of tinnitus. Up to 40% of patients who have suffered from tinnitus in the past report worsening symptoms.

The studies carried out do not yet have enough knowledge about COVID-19 to be able to reliably say about its effect on hearing. Therefore, scientists continue to conduct research that’ll answer all questions.

Is Hearing Loss after COVID-19 vaccination true or myth?

The emergence of a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 has caused a lot of controversies. Until now, society is divided into two camps. Some believe that the vaccine makes it easier to endure the symptoms of a viral infection, saving them from dangerous complications. Others believe that the vaccine only harms their natural immunity and does not protect against COVID-19.

covid-19 vaccination

Not surprisingly, there has been an opinion about the development of hearing loss after the COVID-19 vaccination. As shown by clinical studies, such an opinion is erroneous. The vaccine does not cause side effects that affect hearing. This is true for Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. They were involved in the studies.

What’s next?

The response to SARS-CoV-2 depends on the intensity of the virus, the individual’s immune response, and the characteristics of the individual. One will be asymptomatic, another will have a cytokine storm, and someone will have specific organ damage. It is impossible to predict how your body will behave in response to a new coronavirus infection, what complications it’ll give, and whether your hearing will be under attack in your case.

If you start experiencing hearing impairment, then do not expect it to recover on its own. Don’t waste time. Dr. Zhanneta Shapiro recommends seeking help at the first sign of a hearing problem. After all, the sooner the doctor begins treatment, the more effective it’ll be. If for some reason you do not want to rush to an audiology clinic, then take an online hearing test from the comfort of your home. A simple study can show the presence or absence of a problem. If the online hearing test shows the presence of hearing loss, then there is no time to waste. Especially today there is an effective solution to the problem. We are talking about the use of hearing aids.

Today there is a vast variety of hearing aid models. The audiologist will take into account the degree of hearing loss, your personal preferences, hobbies, and even lifestyle when selecting a device. You will receive irreplaceable assistants who won’t interfere with your life. Modern hearing aids are comfortable, functional, and stylish. So don’t be afraid to use them. Audiology Island will recommend a proper device model as fast and comfortable as possible. You will not notice how you will again hear your favorite birdsong, the sounds of rain, and the voices of your loved ones!

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