Remember when you were younger and you wanted to listen to your stereo at max volume and your parents yelled to turn it down before you damaged your hearing? Well, as it turns out, there may actually be some truth to that.
There are a number of factors that can significantly influence the communicating ability of an individual with a hearing impairment. An understanding of some of these factors will prepare you to communicate more effectively.
Understanding children and the possible hearing loss can help plan early enough for treatment. Children can experience two kinds of deprivation in their ability to hear. One of them is the conductive impairment.
A tenth of the American population suffer from an annoying chronic condition. Each case is different and affects individuals no matter what gender, race or age they are. Give up? The condition is tinnitus, and it’s a hot topic for discussion among those who live with it.
30 percent of people aged 65 years or older have hearing loss. In that category, the percentage for those in the age bracket of 85 and above is an estimate 79-90. (Chien & Lin, 2012; Weinstein, 2000).
When people lose the ability of hearing, they may be devastated, and their lives may take an unwieldy path. However, the case should be different with the current development in tech. The invention of aids for hearing is among the excellent life-improving inventions.