Tag: noise exposure
Hearing loss is a common and often underestimated challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. While hearing aids have significantly improved the lives of those with hearing impairment, the persistent issue of background noise remains a significant obstacle in the quest for clear communication.
In the realm of sound, there exists a fascinating spectrum of colors that goes beyond the visible spectrum we typically associate with the term. White, pink, and brown noises are all examples of color noises that have unique properties and applications in various fields.
We all look forward to the great holiday – The 4th of July. Concerts, parades, and festivals are held throughout the country. And of course, how without the launch of fireworks, the obligatory attribute of this holiday.
Noise exposure is one of the leading causes of hearing loss in the United States, and it can affect people of all ages. Every day, we experience noises and sounds in our environment at varying levels. Most sounds are at safe, normal levels.