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TeleAudiology – a modern solution for the treatment of hearing loss


The rapid development of innovative technologies, the introduction of smart devices, and universal digitalization – progress is making significant changes in all areas of our lives.

More and more advanced technologies appear in medicine, significantly increasing the capabilities of doctors. This process also plays a role in the audiology practice.

Many patients are already enjoying the benefits of Telehealth, but some are not yet aware of its possibilities.

What is Teleaudiology?

Many patients, when contacting us for advice, believe that Teleaudiology is a service only for remote diagnosis, adjustment, and selection of hearing aids. It’s not entirely true.

Teleaudiology is a broader concept, which includes a range of audiological services at every stage of patient care, which are carried out remotely. It includes:

  • Consultation
  • Conducting auditory testing
  • Establishing a diagnosis
  • Support of specialists
  • Rehabilitation actions

That  is just the beginning, every year new technologies appear that expand the range of digital audiological services.

teleaudiology benefits

What are the benefits of Teleaudiology?

People can be weary of something new. The same happens with Telecare services. Patients often worry about losing personal contact with the doctor, expecting a poorer quality of care. What do the numbers tell us?

Research shows Teleaudiology can help patients overcome certain limitations in audiological care. For this, an experiment was conducted in which clinicians evaluated the benefits of remote fitting of hearing aids. The results were very revealing. About 80% of the participants were able to install the required software without any problems, and 60% of patients admitted that next time they would use the remote audiologists service to adjust their hearing aids.

Today, audiologists are simply not available in many counties in the United States. This means that many people with hearing loss face the problem of visiting a doctor to receive qualified medical care. It’s especially true for people from rural areas. In such cases, Teleaudiology is an excellent solution, because an online audiologist can easily carry out the necessary consultation without the need for the patient to be personally present.

Are you a busy person, travel frequently, or just don’t want to spend a lot of time on the road? A remote audiologist will solve all your problems. You don’t even need to leave your home!

Telehealth saves not only time but also money. With minimal renting costs to the audiologist, patients can benefit from lower cost services in a wider geographical area.  It allows audiologists to offer more cost-effective solutions. But at the same time, the quality of the services provided is not sacrificed as well as a higher access to the services.

Many eldrely individuals have some degree of hearing loss but may find it difficult to seek help if there are physical limitations or lack of caregivers to take them to the office. For these patients, Telemedicine may be the only chance for quality treatment.

Hearing problems in older adults is a common occurrence. According to statistics, by the age of 60, almost half of the population has some degree of loss. The degree of development of the disorder and its causes may vary. All of them lead to the fact that a person’s life becomes less comfortable. However, hearing loss is not a sentence! There are so many solutions so that you can lead a full and happy life.

The year 2020 has brought us an entirely new aspect of personal contact.  With the COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine measures many of us have to take, we must not neglect other important aspects of our health, including hearing.  During this time, it was Teleaudiology, which connected patients to their physicians because normal practices were suspended.

Do not forget about the doctors. Dr. Zhanneta Shapiro, our leading audiologist, notes that Teleaudiology significantly improves the efficiency of the entire workflow (productivity) and adds more flexibility. This, in turn, makes it possible to find a balance between work and family life.

audiology island telecare

As we can see, Teleaudiology brings significant benefits to patients and new opportunities for doctors. That is why Telehealth in the United States is expanding more and more, providing new services, and special measures have been introduced so that the quality of medical services does not deteriorate. Thus, licensed audiologists can only provide Teleaudiology, and each State determines a list of available online services.

What does Audiology Island offer?

Your happy smile is our main goal. We provide the most modern medical services so that you can always hear your loved ones. Nothing should interfere with your communication and qualit of  life!

We strive to follow the latest trends and technologies so that our patients receive the best possible care. That is why we offer you Teleaudiology services. By contacting Audiology Island, you will receive:

  • Saving time. The patient receives the necessary advice at any time convenient for him, being in any place
  • More comfort. Use phone, video, or web chat to communicate with our audiologists
  • Guaranteed confidentiality. We take patients’ personal information seriously and understand the importance of keeping it safe. Therefore, Audiology Island uses only a tested and approved medical interface to provide Telemedicine services. Everything is under HIPAA laws

Communication with patients is very important for us. Using Teleaudiology helps us take communication to the next level!

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About Dr Zhanneta Shapiro