Are you among those who take their hearing for granted? If you are, then understand that hearing loss is currently considered the third most common medical condition in the United States.
The number of Americans with hearing problems has risen to nearly thirty-six million. Hearing loss affects quality of life; it can cause depression and was recently linked to dementia.
Causes and Symptoms of Hearing Loss
Here at Audiology Island, we want to make sure you don’t end up as part of a statistic. When it comes to hearing loss, the causes can vary. Such causes include:
- A genetic or hereditary predisposition
- An illness
- Age-related
In addition to these hearing loss causes, modern life has added some ear-damaging elements such as noise pollution.
The symptoms include difficulty in hearing when others communicate, listening to music or watching TV with the volume turned up higher than normal or asking people to repeat themselves.
Free Hearing Screening Test vs. Full Audiological Hearing Evaluation
Medical experts classify the level of hearing loss by labeling it mild, moderate, severe to profound. Thus, treatment depends on the type of hearing loss and the cause.
Both Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Fulman, of Audiology Island, stress that everyone over the age of 40 should have a hearing test on file. This is more important now, since the level of noise pollution is much higher.
But, where can you get a comprehensive checkup for your hearing problem?
Overall, it’s better to seek an audiologist when you suffer from a hearing problem than to find a clinic that offers free hearing screening tests.
Free hearing tests do not provide a complete assessment of your problem. The screening will only assess if a hearing loss is present or not.
These free tests are usually very short, taking around 15 minutes to complete.
It assesses one’s ability to hear different tones in each ear. Any individual like a nurse, an ENT medical assistant, an audiometric technician, a speech-language pathologist or a hearing aid dispenser can perform this test.
In comparison, a full audiological evaluation involves assessments of:
- Hearing ability
- Speech understanding ability
- The outer, inner and middle ear
This type of assessment can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, or even longer, depending upon the degree and type of hearing loss noted by the audiologist.
It’s advisable to go for a full assessment as it’s more thorough and comprehensive, rather than opting for a free testing.
For example, open hearing screening tests doesn’t give you sufficient time for discussing your hearing aids options in depth, unlike a full audiological assessment would. It can only identify your suitability for a hearing aid based on your hearing levels.
An Appointment at Audiology Island for A Full Hearing Test
If you or your loved ones are suffering from hearing impairment, then schedule an appointment with the best Audiologists on Staten Island, New York. Dr. Zhanneta Shapiro and Dr. Stella Fulman – founders of Audiology Island for quality hearing care – offer a complete audiological evaluation for anyone interested.
Having a hearing evaluation test isn’t stressful or painful in any way. When you’re with Audiology Island under the personalized care of both Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Fulman, you’ll be able to enjoy your life again.
A hearing test doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll end up with a hearing aid. Even if a hearing aid is prescribed, they are easy to handle and – unlike traditional ones –invisible aids are available at Audiology Island.
So, if you are having difficulty hearing or are over 40 years old, come by our office today and schedule your full hearing test with us.