Earwax Removal
Ear wax has a medical term – cerumen. It is a mixture of oily sweat, dead skin cells and other particles such as dust. Even though removing ear wax from ear can be gratifying, some wax is actually a sign of a healthy ear.
Earwax is a protective layer for your ear canal. It has antibacterial properties and is antifungal. If left alone, wax should migrate from your ear canal on its own. Many times using q-tips the wax gets pushed further into the ear canal and cannot come out on its own. It starts accumulating with time and requires professional ear wax removal.
The way your ears can self-clean the wax out in a natural way is very impressive, however it doesn’t always work for everyone.
How Do I Know If I Need to Remove Earwax?
You shouldn’t even need to remove earwax because our ears are self-cleaning. However, for some people, earwax issues in either one or both ears can result in:
- Muffled hearing
- Tinnitus (hearing added noises, like ruffling)
- Earache, itching or discomfort
As this service is intended for people who have excessive earwax, it’s crucial to confirm that any symptoms you experience are due to earwax and not an infection or other issue. People who frequently require ear wax removal include:
- Users of in ear headphones
- Users of hearing aids
- Regular cotton bud users
- People who use ear plugs regularly
If you’re experiencing these symptoms for the first time, you have additional symptoms, or you’re simply unsure, call our experienced doctors of Audiology who specialize in wax removal to schedule your appointment.
Ways to Remove Ear Wax at Audiology Island
Involves inserting liquid into the ears to flush the earwax out. At Audiology Island our doctors use equipment that has water Pressure controls that quickly allows to perform even hard ear wax removal, while never endangering the eardrum.
Microsuction Earwax Removal
A Medical suction device is used to suck out the wax. A very thin steel fitting is fitted to the end of the suction tube which allows us to gently suck out the earwax from your canal.
Mechanical Removal of Earwax
A curette is a long, curved tool that is used to gently scrape the wax out of the ear canal, removing the blockage. This procedure is most often used in child ear wax removal procedures.
Our Doctors of Audiology
Request Your Appointment
If you experience pain or discomfort as a result of earwax, or suspect that your ears are clogged with wax, you don’t have to look for ear wax removal places anymore. Call our clinic to address the issue. Removing earwax doesn’t have to be painful and should bring you relief.
Patient Information
How often should I have my ears cleaned?
Every one develops wax differently. Some people accumulate more wax than others. Even both ears can produce different amounts of wax. Coming to our clinic for a consultation with our doctors will help you understand your particular issue with ear wax, and you will be recommended wax removal schedule based on your needs.
Does massive earwax removal hurt?
If you have hard wax in your ear canal, our doctors would recommend earwax softening drops to make the procedure easy and painless.
Should earwax removal doctor perform the procedure?
At Audiology Island, doctors of audiology are licensed and certified to perform ear cleanings in the office.
Is earwax removal at home safe?
While there are safe home remedies for removing earwax, such as olive oil drops or ear canal hygiene sprays, these are frequently insufficient for those with excessive or impacted earwax. One of the safest methods for getting rid of extra wax is through our earwax removal service. To ensure that you receive the best care possible, a trained professional examines your ears both before and after the appointment. In general, you should refrain from inserting objects like cotton buds or fingers into your ears. Infection and damage are possible effects of this. Furthermore, it might force wax deeper into your ear canal, aggravate ear blockage, or even harm your ear drum.
Do I need to say anything before my appointment to have my earwax removed?
Please let us know if there are any changes between the time you scheduled your earwax removal appointment and the time you are scheduled to arrive. Otherwise, the service may no longer be appropriate for you.
How can I prepare my earwax for removal before my appointment?
If you use an over-the-counter earwax softener, earwax removal is likely to be more successful and much more comfortable for you. Your earwax removal procedure might not be successful if you don’t first do this, particularly if your earwax is hard and impacted. We advise using earwax softening drops for two to three days before your earwax removal procedure, or for five days if you believe your earwax is particularly hard. Your neighborhood pharmacy may sell earwax softeners like olive oil drops or sprays or ear-canal hygiene sprays (who can advise if they are right for you)
If you wear a hearing aid, only use earwax softening drops at night and avoid putting it on right away because this can harm the device.
After using the ear drops, if you experience a bad taste in your mouth, you may have a hole in your ear drum. It may not be obvious to you, but it rarely causes cause for concern. It would, however, prevent us from providing you with our earwax removal service. Stop using the ear drops, then visit your doctor.
Are there any negative effects from removing earwax?
Although they are uncommon, these side effects of microsuction include:
Feeling lightheaded or faint – This is often a temporary reaction of the body to the ear canal cooling down after wax removal. If you are already experiencing dizziness or fainting spells, you should consult a doctor rather than getting earwax removed.
Damage to the ear or eardrum, which may result in slight bleeding, is an unusual side effect, and the risk can be greatly reduced by being able to sit very still throughout the entire earwax removal procedure.
Noise-induced damage: Although this is uncommon, you could temporarily lose your hearing. This is due to the possibility that tiny muscles in your ear may contract to shield them from the noise of the suction device. Tinnitus is extremely uncommonly brought on by or aggravated by microsuction.
Infection: We strictly adhere to infection control protocols and only use one tool per patient. Earwax removal does, however, carry a very small risk of infection, which is treatable, as with any procedure.