Hearing Aid Batteries Size 312 (1 pack of 6)
Packaging: Brown Sticker
Battery size: 312
Use: In the canal (ITC), In the ear (ITE), Receiver in canal (RIC)
Lifespan: 7 – 10 days
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Audiology Island hearing aid batteries size 312 in a pack of 6 allows you to stock up on batteries, removing the worry of having to purchase them time and time again.
The size 312 hearing aid battery is most commonly used in smaller behind the ear devices and very popular for in-the-ear hearing aids.
Size 312 hearing aid batteries, come in brown packaging with brown coloured tabs on the rear of each battery to reduce confusion between battery sizes which can appear very similar to each other. This multi-pack option presents even greater value than the single pack price by offering one of the most competitive prices on the Internet per battery.
With a long shelf life of at least 3 years, there’s every reason to take advantage of this outstanding price.
If you’re placing an order for someone else and are unsure of which size battery to order, please contact us and we can help confirm the battery size. Call us or email info@audiologyisland.com or use the website chat service on the left of this page.
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