Hearing Aid Batteries Size 675 (1 pack of 8)
Packaging: Blue Sticker
Battery size: 675
Use: Behind the ear (BTE)
Lifespan: 10 – 14 days
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Size 675 hearing aid batteries are one of the most popular size of battery that we stock.
Many customers prefer to buy their hearing aid batteries in boxes of 8 – it always helps to have extras on hand in the car, office, and around the house! We aim to make bulk buying worth it – and are pleased to be able to offer great value for money when you choose to stock up. Working within the world of hearing aids we are acutely aware of our customers’ need for quality hearing aid batteries – we’ve sourced these from the world’s leading battery manufacturer and are confident we’re bringing a high-quality product to market.
We also ensure that there is a long shelf-life on all batteries purchased, as we know this is particularly important when purchasing in bulk.
If you’re placing an order for someone else and are unsure of which size battery to order, please contact us and we can help confirm the battery size. Call us or email info@audiologyisland.com or use the website chat service on the left of this page.
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